After Paris (2000), Mexico (2004), Manila (2008) and Johannesburg (2013) preparations are already under way for the realization of the Fifth World Congress of COMIUCAP, a major event of our network to be held in Bogotá (Colombia) from 4-9 of July, 2017. On the occasion we shall also celebrate the General Assembly of the network. The local organization of the Congress belongs to the Universidad Santo Tomás de Bogotá in close cooperation with the Universidad Javeriana and the Universidad LaSalle in Bogotá as well as with other Catholic Universities present in Colombia. On the occasion of its first Centenary, The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú will be Guest of Honor of the Fifth World Congress of our network. The scope of the event is global and the primary addressees of it are Catholic University Institutions of Philosophy active all over the world. The topic chosen for this V World Congress of COMIUCAP is the following: The Challenges of Babel: Post-Secularism, Pluralism and Democracy • Los Desafíos de Babel: Postsecularismo, Pluralismo y Democracia • Les défis de Babel: Post-sécularisme, Pluralisme et Démocratie.
Regional Meetings of Comiucap
AFRICA – After a first Regional Meeting in Yaoundé (2002) and the Fourth World Congress in Johannesburg, the nest Regional Meeting of COMIUCAP for Africa shall take place in Nairobi (Kenya) at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa from April 20-22, 2017.
ASIA-OCEANIA – The Regional Meeting of COMIUCAP for Asia/Oceania took place at the Australian Catholic University (ACU) in Melbourne from 22-22 of July, 2015. The topic was the following: Civil Society and Human Formation: Philosophy’s Role in a Renewed Understanding of the Meaning of Education.
LATIN-AMERICA – An International Symposium on the Thought of Francisco Suarez (1548-1617) on occasion of the 400th anniversary of his death in Lisbon (25 of September, 1617), will take place at the UNISINOS in São Leopoldo, Brasil, from 25-28 of September, 2017 • The Third Regional Meeting of COMIUCAP for Latin-America was organized by Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and took place in Cusco from 19-20 of November, 2015.
NORTH-AMERICA – The Regional Meeting for COMIUCAP/North-America will take place at Boston College from November 7-10, 2017 on Educating for Modern Democracy .
Europe – After Meetings in Cracow-2002 (Poland), Braga-2006 (Portugal), Lvyv-2010 (Ukraine), and Madrid-2014 (Spain), the next Regional Meeting of COMIUCAP/Europe shall be held in 2018 in place yet to be determined.
Meetings in Association or by Members
• The Ateneo Sant’Anselmo (Roma) organizes an International Conference on The Power of the Word. The event will be held in Rome from 17-20 of June, 2015.
• The International Conference on «Renewing the Church in a Secular Age: Holistic Dialogue and Kenotic Vision» (March 4-5, 2015) was a co-organization of the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy under the High Patronage of the Pontifical Council for Culture of the Holy See. The event was attended by more than 300 persons coming from over 30 countries and counted with the contributions of persons such as Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, Charles Taylor, José Casanova, Hans Joas, William Desmond, Tomas Halik, Adela Cortina, Juan Carlos Scannone, Massimo Grilli, Anthony Carrol, Adriano Fabris, Peter Jonkers, William Barbieri, among many others. The video-registration of the event is here available in three parts: Part I (March 4, 2015, from 14:30 to 19:00); Part II (March 5, 2015, from 9:00 to 12:30); Part III (March 5, 2015, from 15:00 to 19:00). The event at Pontifical Gregorian University was followed by a local edition of the «Cortile dei Gentili» on «La Piazza e il Tempio» with Charles Taylor, François Bousquet, José Casanova, Alessandro Ferrara e Giacomo Marramao, under the moderation of Giuliano Amato. For further information on the joint International Conference on «Renewing the Church in a Secular Age: Holistic Dialogue and Kenotic Vision», please, click here.
• Religion et Langage (Angers, 12-14 of November, 2014) − George Lindbeck aborde le fait religieux à partir de la question du langage. Le penseur nord-américain soutient que les religions fonctionnent comme des langues ayant la puissance de structurer les pratiques et la pensée de l’homme. Son approche post-libérale entend notamment reconfigurer les différents discours menés en théologie chrétienne. Sur ce sujet, l’équipe de recherche Religion et société de la Faculté de Théologie et des Sciences Religieuses d’Angers a organisé à cet effet un Colloque pour les jours 12-14 novembre 2014 à l’Université Catholique de l’Ouest Angers.
• An International Conference on Immanence and Transcendence in Confucianism and Christianity took place at the University of Wuhan from Mai 25-27, 2012 in Wuhan (Peoples Republic of China).
• The Saint Augustin College of South Africa will hosted in Johannesburg from November 1-3, 2012 an International Conference on Higher Education and the Humanities and a Workshop on Twentieth-Century Thomisms and Contemporary Philosophy.
• In Partnership with the Peoples Friendship University of Russia in Moscow (Russian Federation) and the RVP-Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (Washington DC), COMIUCAP was part of an International Conference on Philosophy and Spirituality Across Cultures and Religious Traditions which was held in Moscow from April 19-21, 2012.
Other Meetings of Interest
• XVI Congreso Internacional de Filosofía Latino-Americana: Lecturas actuales de la Filosfía Latinoamericana: género, cultura y poscolonialidad (Bogotá, Junio 30-Julio 3, 2015)
• Internationalization of Higher Education: Moving Beyond Mobility (Siena, 28-30 Ocotber, 2015)
• 2012 Ministerial Conference and Third Bologna Policy Forum (Bucharest, 26-27 April, 2012)
• The Contribution of Catholic Universities to Intercultural Education (Paris, 9-10 February, 2012)