«Role and Mission of Philosophy» (2014)

- Joseph AGBAKOBA | Philosophy of Jesus
- Francesco TOMATIS | Filosofia come Ascolto
- Giovanni SALMERI | Philosophy Can Make Theology Better
- Pietro RAMELLINI | Character of Catholic Philosophy
- Brendan SWEETMAN | Philosophy and Mission of the University
- John OZOLINS | Philosophy of Education and Academia
- Gennaro AULETTA | Problema della Causalità
- Rosanna FINAMORE |Esperienza e Storicità
- Marko TRAJKOVIC |Philosophy and Teaching of Law
- Pierluigi PARISI |Crisi Contemporanea e Filosofia

Philosophy of Jesus

Filosofia come Ascolto

Philosophy Can Make Theology Better

Character of Catholic Philosophy

Philosophy and Mission of the University

Philosophy of Education and Academia

Problema della Causalità

Esperienza e Storicità

Philosophy and Teaching of Law

Crisi Contemporanea e Filosofia
«Renewing the Church in a Secular Age» (2015)

- François-Xavier Dumortier | Welcoming Address
- George F. MCLEAN | Renewing the Church in a Secular Age
- S. E. Card. Gianfranco RAVASI | Saeculum: A Theological-Pastoral Reflection
- José CASANOVA | A Catholic Church in a Global Secular World
- Hans JOAS | The Church in a World of Options
- Louis CARUANA | Nurturing the Human Face of Science
- Tomas HALIK | Recognizing the Sign of the Times
- Juan Carlos SCANNONE | Iglesia y Discernimiento Espiritual en una Edad Secular
- Massimo GRILLI | Between Grace and Responsibility
- Anthony J. CARROLL | Dialogue With Sceptics
- Adriano FABRIS | Rethinking Universality: Interreligious Dialogue in a Pluralistic Age
- Adela CORTINA | Religiones y Ética Cívica Transnacional en el Espacio Público
- Peter JONKERS | A Serving Church: Overcoming Polarization Through Christian Wisdom
- William A. BARBIERI | Kenotic Ethics for a Servant Church
- Robert SCHREITER | Spirituality as Platform and Forum for Encounter
- Charles TAYLOR | Authenticity: The Life of the Church in a Secular Age
- William DESMOND | The Porosity of Being: Towards a Catholic Agapeics
- Dialogue Q&A (1)
- Dialogue Q&A (II)
- Appendix

Welcoming Address

Renewing the Church in a Secular Age

Saeculum: A Theological-Pastoral Reflection

A Catholic Church in
a Global Secular World

The Church in a World of Options

Nurturing the Human Face of Science

Recognizing the Sign of the Times

Iglesia y Discernimiento Espiritual
en una Edad Secular

Between Grace and Responsibility

Dialogue With Sceptics

Rethinking Universality: Interreligious Dialogue in a Pluralistic Age

Religiones y Ética Cívica Transnacional en el Espacio Público

A Serving Church: Overcoming Polarization Through Christian Wisdom

Kenotic Ethics for a Servant Church

Spirituality as Platform and
Forum for Encounter

Authenticity: The Life of the Church in a Secular Age

The Porosity of Being: Towards a Catholic Agapeics

«The Role of Philosophy in the African Context» (2017)

- Opening Ceremony
- Justus MBAE | African Philosophy: Relevance, Utility and Impact
- Dismas A. MASOLO | Naturalizing Culture and the Pitfall of Domination
- Joseph AGBAKOBA | Cultural Hybridity and Philosophy
- Eucharistic Celebration


African Philosophy Relevance

Naturalizing Culture and Domination

Cultural Hybridity and Philosophy

«Refacing Humanity After the Pandemic» (2021)

- EUROPE | Dec. 7 & 9, 2021 | Org.: João J. Vila-Chã
- Jean-Marc FERRY | La crise sanitaire et sa gestion: La liberté de communication en question
- Emmanuel FALQUE | Crisis and the Extra-phenomenon
- John MILBANK | God Beyond Catastrophe(s)
- Debate | Discussion btw. Emmanuel FALQUE & John MILBANK || Enrica CARAFINI.


La crise sanitaire et sa gestion

Crisis and the Extra-phenomenon

God Beyond Catastrophe(s)

Debate | Discussion

- LATIN AMERICA | Dec. 7, 2021 | Org.: Miguel GIUSTI (Perú) | Speakers: Salomon LERNER FEBRES(Perú) | Mariano DE LA MAZA (Chile) | Corina YORIS (Venezuela)|Carlos HOEVEL (Argentina) | Ángela CALVO (Colombia)|Miguel GIUSTI (Perú).
- ASIA & OCEANIA | Dec. 10, 2021 | Org.: Alfredo CO (Philippines) | Janis OZOLINS (Australia) | Speakers: Jove J. AGUAS (Philippines) | Michael DUA (Indonesia) | Katia LENEHAN (Taiwan) |Jesus M. MIRANDA (Philippines) | Warayuth SRIWARAKUEL (Thailand) | Steven A. STOLZ (Australia) | Conclusion.






- AFRICA | Dec. 8, 2021 | Org.: Prof. Joseph Agbakoba | Speakers: Bernard MATOLINO (South Africa) | Aloysius IHUAH (Nigeria) | Martin ASIEGBU (Nigeria) | Richard ANSAH (Ghana) | Discussion.






- NORTH AMERICA | Dec. 9, 2021 | Org.: Brendan Sweetman (Kansas City) | Speakers: Brendan SWEETMAN (USA) 0 | William SWEET (Canada); Margaret HUGHES (USA) | Rajesh SHUKLA (Canada) | Conclusion.



