The Promotion of Research is one of the main goals of COMIUCAP. For the triennium 2015-2017 we are launching an International Research Project on Christian Thought and Its Engagement(s) With the Plural Dimensions of Modernity: Perspectives and Challenges. The Project is open to the participation of all the Members (present and future) of the network (here the Registration Form). The intention is to create as many Regional Centers of Research as possible or necessary whereby participation can be as transversal as required by the highest possible level of research and communication thereof. The primary role of COMIUCAP should correspond to the one to be expected of a global platform capable of achieving a high degree of collaborative inter-connection among researchers and affiliated groups in charge of the sub-projects into which the Research Project has to be necessarily divided. This project intends to give continuation to the many achievements reached by the many teams that contributed to the success of an event such as the joint International Conference on Renewing the Church in a Secular Age» that took place in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University from March 4-5, 2015.
In order to promote diffusion of our common work as researchers and teachers, we are now preparing a Series called Articles in COMIUCAP (e-Publishing).
COMIUCAP is preparing to launch a New Philosophical Journal before the end of the year 2015.
Related Projects
Scholastica Colonialis is a research project hosted at the UNISINOS (Brasil) 2011. The main purpose of the project is to complete and in some respects rewrite inventories and catalogues of manuscripts and printed works that record colonial Scholastic thought in Latin America during the XVI-XVIII centuries. The coordinator of the project is Prof. Alfredo Culleton, of the UNISINOS.
COMIUCAP is happy welcoming this important project into the network of projects to be developed within the frame of the global research project the COMIUCAP intends to be engaged with on a global scale. Between January of 2000 and December of 2009, the Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia (ed. by João J. Vila-Chã) published in the spirit of COMIUCAP and, thus, in a context of great international collaboration, a set of monographic volumes and articles of interest and value for professional Philosophers and persons concerned with deep intellectual issues and human matters.

Research Outcomes
The Meetings and Conferences organized by COMIUCAP, both at Regional and Global level, are intended as signposts in a Global Process of Research and as stimulus towards the increase of the relevance of philosophy within the framework of the Catholic Institutions of Higher Learning worldwide. During the first ten years of its existence, COMIUCAP was able to promote the publication of an impressive List of Articles (2000-2010).
Besides the articles listed above, COMIUCAP also promoted the elaboration and publication (in 2005) of the following «Livre Blanc» of Philosophy: La Filosofía en la Universidad Católica. Philosophy in the Catholic University. La Philosophie dans l’Université Catholique. Avec les contributions de David Kolb; Jean-Luc Marion; Juan Carlos Scannone. Paris: Conférence Mondiale des Institutions Universitaires Catholiques de Philosophie, 2005.