Australia Catholic University (Australia) [2017]• Boston College (United States of America) [2016] • Catholic University of Eastern Africa (Kenya) [2016] •Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (India) [2013] • Facultés Universitaires Notre Dame de Namur(Belgium) [2013] • Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan) [2020] • Fundación Universitária Católica Lumen Gentium (Colombia) [2017] • Institut Catholique de Lyon (France) [2015] • Institut Catholique de Paris (France) [2014] • Institut Catholique de Toulouse (France) [2013] • Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth (India) [2014] • Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven (Belgium) [2016] • Kimwenza-Faculté St Pierre Canisius (R. D. Congo) [2013] • St. Patricks College, Maynooth (Ireland) [2016] • Nanzan University (Japan) [2018] • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile) [2017] • Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Perú) [2017] • Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (Brasil) [2014] • Pontificia Università Gregoriana (Italy) [2017] • Pontificio Ateneo San Anselmo (Italy) [2017] • Pontificio Ateneo Antonianum (Italy) [2013] • Sogang University (South Korea) [2014] • St Augustine College of South Africa (South Africa) [2016] • Ukrainian Catholic University (Ukraine) [2014] • UNISINOS-São Leopoldo (Brasil) [2016] • Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile) [2017] • Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Venezuela [2017]• Universidad Católica Argentina (Argentina) [2016] • Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (Brasil) [2016] • Universidad Católica de Santa Fe (Argentina) [2013] • Universidad de La Salle-Bogotá (Colombia) [2015] • Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás (Argentina) [2013] • Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (Spain) [2017] • Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá (Colombia) [2016] • Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Spain) [2017] • Universidad Santo Tomas-Bogotá (Colombia) [2017] • Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (Brasil) [2016] • Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal) [2016] • Università Cattolica di Milano (Italy) [2017] • Université Catholique de l’Ouest/Angers (France) [2017] • Université Catholique du Congo (R. D. Congo) [2013] • Université Saint Esprit de Kaslik (Lebanon) [2017] • University of Saint Joseph (Macau-China) [2016] • University of Santo Tomás (Philippines) [2016] • Universytet Papieski Jana Pawla II (Poland) [2013] • Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego (Poland) [2016].
NB: The year that appears within [] corresponds to the year the Institution last paid the corresponding DUES. In order to more easily search the name of an Institution, press CTRL+F+Name of Institution • Last Revision of this List: June 4, 2018.
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All Institutional Members of COMIUCAP are kindly requested to download, fill-in with all information available and return to COMIUCAP the Institutional Survey of our Members. NB: Before filling the Survey, please, make sure to save a copy in your computer.
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Catholic Institutions of Higher Education that are able to grant Doctoral Degrees qualify to be Full Members of Comiucap. Any University that is recognized by the International Federation of Catholic Universities can become a Member of COMIUCAP just by paying the Membership Dues. Institutions that are not able to grant doctoral degrees can apply for Associate Membership in the network. In order to apply for Membership, please, print and fill-in the Registration Form and send it back to us together with payment of the Annual Membership Fee in the network. All other Institutions dedicated to teaching and research in the fields of Philosophy that are interested in being part of the network should first send a request for Membership and state the motivation to do so (Requests for Membership will be duly analyzed by the Board of Comiucap.
Membership in COMIUCAP is always for a minimum period of 3 (three) years. Whenever an Institution pays at once the Membership dues for a minimum of three (3) years beginning with the calendar year in which the Payment is done can count with an automatic discount of 10%.
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Institutions that fail to pay the Membership-Dues for three years in a row will be excluded from the network. Whenever a Membership is lapsed it will not be possible to restore it without the payment of an extra amount that can be between 500 and 1000 Euro together with the New Membership Fee, should the Institution be again admitted as a Member by the Board. Only Members of the network that are in good-standing can participate in any long-term Project initiated or directed by COMIUCAP and have an active voice in the deliberations of the network.