COMIUCAP is a network of Institutions where Philosophy is taught and Research is produced in the different fields of this important humanistic discipline, one that has always been, and so should continue to be, one of the cornerstones of the Catholic Idea of University. Since 2013, Individual Persons that qualify can also become associated with the network through a special form of Membership.
COMIUCAP offers to Members not only a wide range of possibilities for interacting with similar Institutions and many Colleagues around the world as well as opportunities for participating in Projects of Research and Publications, but also and institutional link to the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU/FIUC) in Paris as well as plural forms of connection with the Congregation for Catholic Education and the Agency of the Holy See for Evaluation and Quality Assurance (AVEPRO) in Rome. Any Institution that is a Member of the network in good standing can easily become a candidate as a venue for any of our regular Congresses at both continental as well as world-level. To all its Members, COMIUCAP also offers the possibility of having their own academic initiatives (Congresses, Symposia, etc.) as well as Projects and academic publications publicized on a regular basis.
As a network, COMIUCAP is called to institutionally embody the insights on Philosophy that Pope Saint John Paul II promulgated in 1998 with the Encyclical «Fides et Ratio» and envisions to offer all its Members a solid platform for dialogue on matters related to the role that Philosophy is called to play in the formative process of countless students at Catholic Institutions of Higher Education worldwide. If you qualify, please, join in today!
Individual Membership
For Graduate Students at Chatholic universities.
Individual Membership
For Professors/Teachers at Chatholic universities.
For Catholic University Institutions of Philosophy that qualify.
Associated Members is open for Catholic Institutions dedicated to Teaching in philosophy that do not qualify for Full-Membership as well as for organizations of catholic inspiration dedicated to research and diffusion of knowledge in the different fields of philosophy;
Membership in COMIUCAP can be achieved in the following ways:
1. Full-Membership for Catholic University Institutions of Philosophy that qualify (250,00 Euros/year);
2. Membership as Associated Members is open for Catholic Institutions dedicated to Teaching in philosophy that do not qualify for Full-Membership as well as for organizations of catholic inspiration dedicated to research and diffusion of knowledge in the different fields of philosophy (150,00 Euros/year);
3. Individual Membership for Professors/Teachers at Catholic Universities or at Institutions of Higher Education that are of Catholic Inspiration (50,00 Euros/year);
4. Individual Membership for Graduate Students at Catholic universities (25,00 Euros/year).
When registering, please, use the following Form. For information on Payments to COMIUCAP, please send us a message, just click here.