«The World Congress of Philosophy provides a unique opportunity for philosophers, friends of philosophy and serious thinkers from all corners of the world to meet, to put forth ideas, exchange points of view, to argue and to present the fruits of their research to a unique and distinguished academic audience. The Congress is an outstanding cultural institution (…) that seeks to contribute to the forging of universal values that address the common human issues of our times; it is a place where clarity is sought regarding the Socratic challenge that reaches out to us even today, to old and young alike: “how one must live?” With these words of Professor Konstantinos Boudouris, President of the Hellenic Organizing Committee of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy in Athens (4-10 of August, 2013), COMIUCAP encouraged its Members to take part in this event of global significance for the Future of Philosophy and her mission in the global world of today. In conjunction with the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP), we also took active part in the Pre-Congress that took part in Athens from August 1-3, 2013. Here you can find pictures of the Pre-Congress organized by the Research Council for Values and Philosophy, of the «Global Dialogue Prize» given to Professor Georg McLean (Catholic University of America), the Commemoration of the first Hundred Years after the birth of Paul Ricoeur, with Richard Kearney (Boston College) and Peter Kemp (Copenhagen), as well as, among other events, the debate on the «Future of Metaphysics» led by Professor Oliva Blanchette (Boston College). The images also underline the participation of Professor Jürgen Habermas (Frankfurt) in a major event of the World Congress organized with the contribution of David Rasmussen (Boston College), as well as the participation of John P. Manoussakis, from Holy Cross, Jeffrey Bloechl (Boston College), Tu Weiming (Harvard and Beijing), Рузана Псху (Moscow), Robert Cohen (Buffalo), and many others. These pictures are also intended as a small indication of why we think that the XXIII Congress of Philosophy in Athens was, despite all the difficulties, a success.